Soon, Companies Will Be Able to Track the Carbon Emission From an Ear of Corn

Bloomberg writer Justina Vasquez reported earlier this month that, “Companies will be soon able to track the carbon emissions from an ear of corn to a pork chop, allowing them to market products to environmentally conscious eaters.

“Farmer’s Business Network Inc. — which has been likened to an ‘Amazon’ for farmers — has launched Gro Network, which will track and score the carbon intensity of grain. That will allow buyers to label their products to consumers as ‘green‘ and potentially get a higher price for farmers who use more sustainable practices.

It’s the latest effort to capitalize on growing demand for food that has a smaller environmental footprint. Pollutants can be found as early as in the fertilizers and other chemicals farmers use in their fields, which permeate the food supply system as grains move along to buyers like meat producers who feed those them to their livestock. Gro’s technology offers a score that producers can show their customers, vouching for the products’ environmental impact, opening a layer of transparency and creating a premium product in grocery stores’ meat aisles.”

The Bloomberg article stated that, “Gro Network, which was birthed about two years ago as a research project within FBN, is working with major grain buyers like Unilever NV and biofuels producer Poet LLC, and connecting them directly to the growers of low-carbon corn.”

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