Deana Stroisch reported today at FarmWeekNow Online that, “Calling the rule ‘fatally flawed,’ Illinois Farm Bureau’s president called for its repeal and encouraged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider the definition of ‘waters of the United States’ (WOTUS).
“‘The definition of WOTUS and the administration of the Clean Water Act have been a focal point of the agricultural community for decades,’ Richard Guebert Jr. wrote to EPA. ‘Illinois farmers own and operate facilities, which produce row crops and livestock, that provide safe and affordable food, fiber and fuel to all Americans and the world. These operations are water-dependent enterprises. … Simply put, Illinois farmers need to know what features on their lands are subject to federal jurisdiction and, by extension, whether their day-to-day farming operations are lawful.’
“On Monday, Illinois Farm Bureau submitted Guebert’s 12-page comments to EPA. Included with the comments: a petition signed by more than 2,500 Illinois farmers in support of the repeal effort.”
Today’s update noted that, “IFB has spent years fighting the rule, believed to expand the agency’s jurisdiction beyond what Congress intended.”