An update posted yesterday at WFYI (Indianapolis Public Radio) indicated that, “Indiana farmers are filing complaints about a controversial herbicide, dicamba, that’s allegedly drifting from neighboring fields and damaging their crops.
“Monsanto, DuPont, and BASF all released dicamba tolerant soybeans for this planting season. The herbicide is reportedly causing problems, says Dave Scott, the pesticide administrator for the Office of the Indiana State Chemist.”
Yesterday’s update noted that, “As of July 19, farmers have filled 66 complaints that allege their crops have been damaged by dicamba. Scott says that’s ‘a lot’ of complaints, especially for one product in a two to three-week period.
“The Office of the Indiana State Chemist is investigating the complaints. They say it could be months before investigators can determine if the reported crop damage was caused by dicamba, and whether applicators used the product correctly.
“In a statement, Monsanto says it’s critical ‘that farmers follow all local rules and label requirements.'”