Free Workshop for Beginning Farmers, Ranchers and Veterans

A news release last week from the University of Missouri Extension Service stated that, “Registration is open for a free July 20 workshop to help beginning farmers, ranchers and veterans learn about resources offered by state and federal agencies.

“University of Missouri Extension sponsors the workshop with funding from the USDA Office of Advocacy and Outreach through a grant to help to help veterans, Latinos and socially disadvantaged beginning farmers and ranchers.

“‘Understanding the Alphabet Soup of USDA‘ starts 9 a.m. on July 20 at the MU Southwest Research Center, says MU Extension agriculture business specialist Jim Spencer.”

The University of Missouri update noted that, “Participants will discuss operational orders such as a business and marketing plan, case studies and more. A free lunch is served. Register by contacting Spencer at 417-581-3558 or You may also register at the MU Extension Center in Christian County, 105 N. Second St., Ozark, MO 65271. Interested participants may also contact their local FSA office.”

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