Organic Farming Growing, According to New Report

The Associated Press reported today that, “New York’s organic farming has grown over the past several years, led by milk sales, with agricultural land federally certified organic expanding to 934 operating farms last year, according to the state comptroller’s office.

The report Friday shows sales of organic farm products rose from 2008 to 2014 statewide by 56 percent to $164 million. Sales jumped another 35 percent last year to $221 million, according to another federal report.”

The AP article added that, “‘Any time you can see growth in the agricultural economy, that’s beneficial to our farmers,’ said Steve Ammerman of the New York Farm Bureau. ‘What this demonstrates is there’s opportunity to farmers looking to diversify or take advantage of new consumer trends.’

“The state is also seeing beginning farmers seeking the certification because of their lifestyle values and to be part of a local food movement, he said.”

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