Christopher Doering reported in today’s Des Moines Register that, “Congress is unlikely to finish legislation on labeling products containing genetically modified ingredients before Vermont’s own law takes effect next month, Sen. Charles Grassley said Thursday.
“The Iowa Republican told reporters that before Congress left for its week-long recess, he talked with senators trying to reach a deal on labeling. He came away unconvinced a bill will be completed before July 1, when Vermont becomes the first state to require labeling. Other states are working on similar initiatives.
“‘I see it as very difficult to get a compromise,’ Grassley said. ‘I hope something would develop this week that we could get something passed, but frankly, I doubt it.'”
The Register article added that, “The labeling debate has pitted consumer groups that contend people have a right to know what is in the food they eat against the food industry, which favors making labeling voluntary. Proponents of a mandatory label argue giving food manufacturers the option to label wouldn’t be effective.”
Note that a more detailed background on the labeling issue can be found here.