Farm Groups Divided on House Tax Reforms

A recent update posted at Hoosier Ag Today indicated that, “Farm groups offered a mixed reaction to House passage of a tax reform package. The American Farm Bureau Federation called the action a ‘step closer to a tax code that works for all farmers and ranchers.’ The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association called the passage a ‘step in the right direction,’ noting specifically the language within the package that would immediately double the death-tax exemption and put the tax on the path to extinction in five years. However, NCBA also expressed concern that the reform package would significantly limit the ability of some businesses from deducting their interest expenses.

“The National Council of Farmer Cooperates called passage of the bill ‘unfortunate,’ as the organization says the reform package will raise taxes on farmers and co-ops across the country by eliminating the Section 199 deduction. And, The National Farmers Union said it was ‘alarmed’ by the passage because the legislation would jeopardize farm bill funding, while increasing the federal debt and harming farmers and ranchers.”

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